

The Department of Pharmacy of Xuanwu Hospital Capital Medical University is a medical professional and technical department of a Grade-A hospital that undertakes medical, teaching, and scientific research tasks. There are 127 pharmacists in the department, including 14 with senior professional titles (11%) and 37 with mid-level professional titles (29.1%); 4 doctors (3.1%) and 20 masters (15.7%). The department adhering to the patient-centered service aims to provide over 3 million patients with professional services, such as over-the-counter pharmacy services, medication consultation, prescription reviews, medical order audit, drug evaluations, adverse drug reaction monitoring, blood drug concentration monitoring, and so on. 13 clinical departments or wards are equipped with full-time clinical pharmacists to provide clinically safe medications service, such as neurology, neurosurgery, general surgery, general surgery, general surgery, general surgery, and integrated Chinese and Western medicine ward. The department has modern equipment such as LC-MS, automatic medicine-dispensing machine, smart medicine cabinet, and multi-functional decoction machine.

The Department of Pharmacy is the first batch of clinical pharmacists training bases of the National Health Commission (Former State Health and Family Planning Commission), Clinical Pharmacist System pilot point, and clinical pharmacist teacher training base, leader unit of the Beijing pharmacist residency training base, the master training point of clinical pharmacy and traditional Chinese medicines of Capital Medical University, the training base of Chinese pharmacists of traditional Chinese medicines of the Chinese Traditional Medicine Society, and the national elder of Jin Shiyuan, traditional Chinese medicine experts inherited the studio, Yan Zhenghua clinical Chinese pharmaceutical discipline service base, and the Chinese medicine college of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine clinical Chinese medicine practice base. For 12 consecutive years, it has organized national and Beijing-level continuing education programs, including national neuropharmacist practical skills training course, national critical ICU clinical pharmacist skills training class, National integrative medicine and clinical pharmacist practical skills training class, Beijing clinical pharmacist professional skills training class, China and America pharmacists forum on medication safety for critically ill patients, national clinical pharmacy development forum, etc..

As a general pharmacist unit for research, teaching and new technology application in Beijing Municipal Hospital Administration, Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine "12th Five-Year" major clinical pharmacy specialty, Beijing first batch of demonstration pharmacy, Beijing Youth Civilization, the leading unit of INRUD China center clinical safety group, conducts scientific research in the direction of rational drug use, geriatrics, and formulation research and development, and undertakes 3 national natural science foundation projects. More than 20 projects from the Beijing municipal health Commission funds and Beijing science and technology commission funds. Published more than 500 papers, including 5 SCI papers; published more than 20 books and 10 editor-in-chiefs books; won 1 first prize, 2 second prizes and 3 third prizes respectively in Beijing science and technology progress; won 1 new drug certificate; 1 national invention patent.

Served as chairman of the national geriatric pharmacy union of the national geriatrics clinical research center, vice chairman of medical treatment management expert committee of the international vascular union, director of ethical review committee of the world federation of Chinese medicine society, director of the world federation of clinical drug safety research committee, and director of the Chinese pharmacology society, standing committee member of the hospital pharmacy committee of the Chinese traditional medicine society, director of the Beijing pharmaceutical association, director of the Beijing pharmacist association, deputy director of clinical pharmacy of the Beijing traditional Chinese medicine society, etc.; executive editor of the journal of adverse drug reactions, Chief editor of editorial board of the Chinese pharmacy, etc..

The department has its profound cultural heritage. It is our core values that "responsible for employees, satisfied with employees; responsible for patients, satisfied with patients; responsible for clinical practice, satisfied with clinical practice; responsible for society, and satisfied with society". Every pharmacist in the pharmacy department always remembers the service promise, “The pharmacist is here to serve you health”.